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    wizofoz's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Got some questions regarding botting

    I was botting ~3months ago or so (botted for about a week or so), i then sold my account and the bot license..
    Now im thinking about botting again for some profit, and i have these questions:

    1) Whats the average lifespan of a botting account that runs ~10 or more hours per day? I mean can i get banned on the first day of running the bot?
    2) Whats the cheapest bot out there atm? I had Immortal Bot and it was very good, but i see their website is down for some reason
    3) Do different bots provide different protections? I mean, do bots differ only in functions or some bots provide a better detection protection
    4) Can bots farm inferno for legendaries now? When i used to bot, everyone did nightmare core runs with goldfind gear, making about ~300-500k/h, inferno, even hell was out of the question
    5) Is anyone still farming just gold? how much gold per hour do u farm?
    6) Is it safe to buy a botting license from someone else or should i just buy it from website? I sold my IB license and changed my email so there was no way i could take that license back.
    7) Is there a way to make ur bot less detectable? or any tips to keep me under the radar?

    Thats all the questions i could come up with right now, hopefully someone who knows this shit will help me out here, because im really tired of grinding on my own and just wanna chillax while the bot does all the work

    Got some questions regarding botting
  2. #2
    Diablo3Bot's Avatar Corporal
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    1st off I am running my own bot that I wrote. It's getting pretty good but it's still not ready for prime time.

    my answers to your questions are as follows, and this is only one persons experiance, YMMV.

    1. You can get banned for botting for 5 min if you get caught. If you bot you will get caught and your account will be banned.

    2. The cheapest is one you write yourself, but otherwise I think Demonbuddy is the only one actively supported.

    3. Yes but the more people running the same bot the faster they will get caught.

    4. Yes I farm inferno only, usually only act 3, I find this has the best Death/Items/Gold ratio. With selling I only get about ~250-300k/Hr the real money is items on the RMAH

    5. I don't think so, about ~250-300k/Hr

    6. No idea but again DB has a pretty good reputation.

    7. Don't use it. If you use one you will get caught. My botting accounts have been running since 1.0.3 and I haven't been banned. But I will be. The bots have paid for themselves so I don't care.

    I have 4 accounts 1 I play on and use it as a master, the other 3 are full time bots running ~12 to 20 hrs a day. They run until their inventory is full with high level rares and legendary items. Then they exit the program. I then go in and manually review the items and sell on auction house, or to a vendor. I usually get 15~20 decent items a day, with 1 or 2 that bring $10.00+ on RMAH. I have had a few items that have brought over $100, I am still waiting to get my first $200+ item. My bots each make me about $30.00 a day so they only need to run 2 days to break even. So when I get banned I will just open another account and keep going.

    I don't worry to much about gold farming, but I do sell it when I get enough. I don't see it being talked about that much anymore so my guess is that there are not many people gold farming anymore. I keep my main account at ~20mil, and leave about ~1mil in my bots accounts. I sell 20mil at a time. I usually have to list it 2 or 3 times before it sells. So I don't hink gold farming should be you focus unless you are buying in the gold house to resell on the RMAH.

  3. #3
    wizofoz's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    thx for clearing some things for me +rep

  4. #4
    bayjayzhu's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by Diablo3Bot View Post
    1st off I am running my own bot that I wrote. It's getting pretty good but it's still not ready for prime time.

    my answers to your questions are as follows, and this is only one persons experiance, YMMV.

    1. You can get banned for botting for 5 min if you get caught. If you bot you will get caught and your account will be banned.

    2. The cheapest is one you write yourself, but otherwise I think Demonbuddy is the only one actively supported.

    3. Yes but the more people running the same bot the faster they will get caught.

    4. Yes I farm inferno only, usually only act 3, I find this has the best Death/Items/Gold ratio. With selling I only get about ~250-300k/Hr the real money is items on the RMAH

    5. I don't think so, about ~250-300k/Hr

    6. No idea but again DB has a pretty good reputation.

    7. Don't use it. If you use one you will get caught. My botting accounts have been running since 1.0.3 and I haven't been banned. But I will be. The bots have paid for themselves so I don't care.

    I have 4 accounts 1 I play on and use it as a master, the other 3 are full time bots running ~12 to 20 hrs a day. They run until their inventory is full with high level rares and legendary items. Then they exit the program. I then go in and manually review the items and sell on auction house, or to a vendor. I usually get 15~20 decent items a day, with 1 or 2 that bring $10.00+ on RMAH. I have had a few items that have brought over $100, I am still waiting to get my first $200+ item. My bots each make me about $30.00 a day so they only need to run 2 days to break even. So when I get banned I will just open another account and keep going.

    I don't worry to much about gold farming, but I do sell it when I get enough. I don't see it being talked about that much anymore so my guess is that there are not many people gold farming anymore. I keep my main account at ~20mil, and leave about ~1mil in my bots accounts. I sell 20mil at a time. I usually have to list it 2 or 3 times before it sells. So I don't hink gold farming should be you focus unless you are buying in the gold house to resell on the RMAH.
    What bot do you use?

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