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  1. #16
    intellilogic's Avatar Member
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    I’m a programmer by trade, but I do web stacks. I’ve done a small bit of poking around in desktop stuff, mostly C#, but I’m still clueless about how to go about some things. Is there a guide for how to start making turbohud plugins (from scratch)? How do I know what variables I have to work with and what there values are? I open up one of these DLLs or something? Is your TurboVS a good place to start? Was there some tutorial post somewhere I missed? I’m not sure where to ask this question. I do know I want this intellisense once I get going

    Could someone maybe make a tutorial video that’s “hello world” and draws a circle under the blacksmith’s feet or something? Is it reasonable possible to send data another program? If I could get bloodshard count in a C# winform for example.

    Intellisense for plugins
  2. #17
    JackCeparou's Avatar Savvy ? 🐒
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    Originally Posted by intellilogic View Post
    Is there a guide for how to start making turbohud plugins (from scratch)?
    Just read some simple plugins.

    Originally Posted by intellilogic View Post
    How do I know what variables I have to work with and what there values are? I open up one of these DLLs or something?
    All methods signatures and usable properties are self documented in the interfaces. (/interfaces folder)

    Originally Posted by intellilogic View Post
    Is your TurboVS a good place to start?
    Well, it can make it easier to poke code. But that's not a guide.

    Originally Posted by intellilogic View Post
    Could someone maybe make a tutorial video that’s “hello world” and draws a circle under the blacksmith’s feet or something?
    Too busy for that personally.

    Originally Posted by intellilogic View Post
    Is it reasonable possible to send data another program? If I could get bloodshard count in a C# winform for example.
    Long story short: No.
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  3. #18
    JarJarD3's Avatar Contributor
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    Visual Studio Code works fine and is easy to use!

    For those that do not want Visual Studio Community "complexity" Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is just the right tool to get syntax highlighting and real-time error checking.

    Just download the installer and install it and launch it.
    Then open the folder where THUD is extracted from the ZIP. It is important to open the whole folder so you get all dependencies right.

    First time you open a .cs file VS Code prompts to install some plugin and let it do that.
    It can complain that:
    The .NET CLI tools cannot be located. .NET Core debugging will not be enabled.
    Make sure .NET CLI tools are installed and are on the path.
    You can ignore and skip that as you can not run or debug THUD code by yourself!
    You will be just editing and browsing it.

    If your dependencies are right, it is very easy to "navigate" in the code using Right-click on everything that gets underlined when you hover your mouse over it (while pressing Ctrl key).
    Last edited by JarJarD3; 01-30-2019 at 03:41 AM. Reason: typo

  4. #19
    everknown's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by JarJarD3 View Post
    Visual Studio Code works fine and is easy to use!

    For those that do not want Visual Studio Community "complexity" Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is just the right tool to get syntax highlighting and real-time error checking.

    Just download the installer and install it and launch it.
    Then open the folder where THUD is extracted from the ZIP. It is important to open the whole folder so you get all dependencies right.

    First time you open a .cs file VS Code prompts to install some plugin and let it do that.
    It can complain that:
    The .NET CLI tools cannot be located. .NET Core debugging will not be enabled.
    Make sure .NET CLI tools are installed and are on the path.
    You can ignore and skip that as you can not run or debug THUD code by yourself!
    You will be just editing and browsing it.

    If your dependencies are right, it is very easy to "navigate" in the code using Right-click on everything that gets underlined when you hover your mouse over it (while pressing Ctrl key).
    unlike documentation on how to use x function, its not that easy to understand this whole thing even with InteliSense...
    So i'm basically stuck on "When and what function to use" then " What param follows to get what i want"

    I've coded with Python at school past few months from scratch to making a simple screen with Tabs (menu button if you would call it), and some simple stuff... But that is by using the documentation found online. Here there is no proper documentation for me to use. Hard to start with InteliSense for my little experience.

  5. Thanks thunderxd (1 members gave Thanks to everknown for this useful post)
  6. #20
    JarJarD3's Avatar Contributor
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    Just read Jack's post above.
    You are pretty much on your own unless somebody with patience and time decides to help you.
    Complaining won't help, you are not first one to do that.
    I did that a lot in the past and it did not help but I keep on reading code so now I can write my own plugins for fun.

    There is a (really) steep learning curve to get going even on very basic things, but there is an example for almost everything if you managed to find that piece of code and understand how it works.
    For those without good C# programming skills I can you say that tough luck and good luck for you

  7. #21
    ResidentD3's Avatar Member
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    Where to install a plug-in in turbohud to display the percentage of probability of a fall of ancient objects?
    Last edited by ResidentD3; 10-02-2019 at 05:04 AM.

  8. #22
    mientjies's Avatar Member
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    Hello Everyone

    I am new to this, hope I am posting in the right place as well>
    Firstly thanks for putting in all the time and effort to deliver this service, never knew about it, friend told me and WOW

    never had a problem before with plugins and because of that i have no idea how to fix it myself
    hope posting my exeptions from notepad is allowed

    2020.11.26 18:29:55.906 suspicious code in plugin file: 'D:\D3stuff\TurboHUD (v9.2) STABLE for Diablo III (64 bit)\Plugins\gjuz\PoolState.cs
    2020.11.26 18:29:55.910 suspicious code in plugin file: 'D:\D3stuff\TurboHUD (v9.2) STABLE for Diablo III (64 bit)\Plugins\Jack\Alerts\PlayerTopAlertListPlugin.cs
    2020.11.26 18:29:55.911 suspicious code in plugin file: 'D:\D3stuff\TurboHUD (v9.2) STABLE for Diablo III (64 bit)\Plugins\Resu\CustomLifeWarningPlugin.cs
    2020.11.26 18:29:55.912 suspicious code in plugin file: 'D:\D3stuff\TurboHUD (v9.2) STABLE for Diablo III (64 bit)\Plugins\Resu\DeluxeInventoryFreeSpacePlugin.cs
    2020.11.26 18:29:55.912 suspicious code in plugin file: 'D:\D3stuff\TurboHUD (v9.2) STABLE for Diablo III (64 bit)\Plugins\Resu\DiadrasFirstGemPlugin.cs
    2020.11.26 18:59:36.948 minimap draw error (System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    this is when i start hud
    this is after some grs
    Parameter name: key
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
    at Turbo.Plugins.User.ReflectMonsterPlugin.PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
    at ‬*‪‫‏‏*‬‎*‬‬‫**‬*‪​� �‫*‫‪‎*.***‫‬‎‫*‪ ‪*‏‪*‫‬‏‫‬​‫*.*‏‬‫‎‫ *​‏​​*‎‫‫*‪**‪‏‪ ​*()
    at ‬*‪‫‏‏*‬‎*‬‬‫**‬*‪​� �‫*‫‪‎*.‬*​‪*‫‫*​‏*‬‪ ‎*‎**‎‬**‫​‎*‫*(IPlugin , String , Action )
    at ‬*‪‫‏‏*‬‎*‬‬‫**‬*‪​� �‫*‫‪‎*.***‫‏‪‫‬​‫‪*‎*� �‏‬*‏*‎**‎‪*‫‏*(Object , EventArgs )
    at *‪‫*‬‪​‫‎**‪‬‏� ��*‫‎*‎​‪*.*‪*‫*****‫* ‬​‏‪‫‬‪**‫‎‫‫*())
    2020.11.26 18:59:36.984 overlay paint error (System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: key
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
    at Turbo.Plugins.User.ReflectMonsterPlugin.PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
    at ‬*‪‫‏‏*‬‎*‬‬‫**‬*‪​� �‫*‫‪‎*.*​*‪‎*‏*‪‏‎*‬� �‬‏‬‎‎*​‪*​‬​‬*‫‫*.*‎‬*‏***‪ *​​*‪*‏*‏‪‏‪‬*()
    at ‬*‪‫‏‏*‬‎*‬‬‫**‬*‪​� �‫*‫‪‎*.‬*​‪*‫‫*​‏*‬‪ ‎*‎**‎‬**‫​‎*‫*(IPlugin , String , Action )
    at ‬*‪‫‏‏*‬‎*‬‬‫**‬*‪​� �‫*‫‪‎*.‏*‪**‎***‎‎*‏‫‏‎ ​​*‬*‪‫‏*(Object , EventArgs )
    at *‪‫*‬‪​‫‎**‪‬‏� ��*‫‎*‎​‪*.​*‪****​***‎‎​‫ ‬*‫***‫​‎‫‏*​‪*())
    2020.11.26 18:59:37.047 overlay paint notification (SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88990001], Module: [SharpDX.Direct2D1], ApiCode: [D2DERR_WRONG_STATE/WrongState], Message: The object was not in the correct state to process the method.

    at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
    at *‪‫*‬‪​‫‎**‪‬‏� ��*‫‎*‎​‪*.​*‪****​***‎‎​‫ ‬*‫***‫​‎‫‏*​‪*())

    i did find some info in the forum about the playertipalertlistplugin i did change the line in that but it didn't work
    Thanks for you help

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