Can I get a price check on the following US realms please: Drak'Tharon, Daggerspine, and Jubei'Thos
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Can I get a price check on the following US realms please: Drak'Tharon, Daggerspine, and Jubei'Thos
How much per 1k gold on EU Bloodscalp Horde?
How much for 60 days prepaid on US Tichondrius Horde? Also how much for a Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm CD-Key? Same server.
Just traded a GC with Shayeeda, quick and easy, and at a good price
How much per 1k Daggerspine - Horde?
Also how much for BC/Cata/WOTLK cd keys, I need two of each.
added you on MSN zk**********
We might not be able to answer all your request or Pms here for some reasons sometimes.
We are online 20 hours a day , so if you want a quick answer ,try :
Eu realms with better demand today:
Alleria -A
Die Nachtwache -H
Das Syndikat -A
Malygos -A
Bloodhoof -A
Taerar -A
Gorgonnash -H
Malorne -A
Der Rat von Dalaran -H
Kargath -A
Us realms with better demand today:
Muradin -A
Velen -A
Shadow Moon -A
Nazgrel -A
Thunderhorn -A
Darrowmere -A
Dragonblight -H
Gnomeregan -H
Eonar -A
Warsong -H
Thanks again for posting !!
Last edited by Shayeeda; 06-20-2012 at 08:27 PM.
just traded 100k gold for cd keys trusted!!1
my artist web sizzle
Thanks a lot for posting =)
Eu realms with better demand today:
Frostmourne -A
Malygos -A
Malorne -A
Earthen Ring -A
The Maelstrom -A
Kargath -A
Vashj -A
Emerald Dream -A
Ysondre -H
Temple noir -H
Us realms with better demand today:
Muradin -A
Shadow Moon -A
Dalaran -H
Stonemaul -A
Dragonblight -H
Staghelm -A
Bloodscalp -A
Tichondrius -A
Eonar -A
Darrowmere -A
Plese do not ask me which server always has the best demand or highest price becuse it's nonexistent since the supply and demand keeps changing all the time. All I can provide is the top demand servers each day, as reference.
Last edited by Shayeeda; 06-20-2012 at 08:27 PM.
i have gold just your never on msn or around to respond.
[email protected]
hello i just got 'account closed' after gold to cd key exchange
my artist web sizzle
Paypal is warning/banning users that abuse Mass payment option which can only used for such things as : Affiliate commissions,Customer rebates ,Pay-to-surf rewards ,Employee benefits etc ..
So from now on ,Mass payment is only limited to payment more than 200$, for payment under 200$ will be sent through the normal way by which you will be charged for 2.4% + $0.30 USD to 3.4% + $0.30 USD fee to receive. But still,we will share the 2% fee with you like the way it charges with mass payment.So you will receive 2% more as the fee when receiving payment from us.
Eu realms with better demand today:
Sanguino -A
Thunderhorn -A
Earthen Ring -A
Defias Brotherhood -H
Dragonblight -A
Talnivarr -H
Khadgar -H
Shattered Halls -A
Minahonda -A
Hakkar -H
Us realms with better demand today:
Anvilmar -A
Blackhand -H
Terenas -A
Darrowmere -A
Mok Nathal -A
Area 52 -H
Frostmourne -H
The Underbog -A
Bleeding Hollow -H
Silvermoon -A
isn't 0.9$ for 1k like uber low?
* * * Give +Rep to person who helped you or any other way made you laugh / happy * * *
* * * Looking for someone who could help with 'good' comments on one YouTube video. - possible reward - PM for more info * * *
I will contact you on msn.
Thanks a lot for posting
Eu realms with better demand today:
Dragonblight -A
Azjol-Nerub -A
Kilrogg -A
Thunderhorn -A
Frostmane -H
Aszune -A
Nordrassil -A
Kazzak -A
Skullcrusher -H
Doomhammer -H
Us realms with better demand today:
Darrowmere -A
Bleeding Hollow -H
Garona -A
Archimonde -H
Whisperwind -A
Thunderlord -A
Warsong -H
Shadow Moon -A
Illidan -H
Eonar -A
Plese do not ask me which server always has the best demand or highest price becuse it's nonexistent since the supply and demand keeps changing all the time. All I can provide is the top demand servers each day, as reference.