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  1. #31
    MashaPetrova's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by EthEth View Post
    From my perspective, what is discussed here is "community testing" of anti-chit. Users who get banned report what they were doing, and - when we have enough reports - we can do a little approximation which tools or classes of tools get us banned. It is better then work I did long time ago with testing tools by myself (imagine manually levelling account by account for weeks). As for this forum being public and what GGG can do with info from here?
    1. They know the tools
    2. They can estimate which tools hit their gains, which are acceptable from monetary perspective and which are acceptable from community perspective
    3. They know who and for what they banned
    As long we are not discussing in details how to avoid bans, they get nothing from this. On the other hand - we, community - get more info about how things work.
    dude you say trivial things, however you didn't tell anything interesting from what you got researching bans of your accounts... See - you're just a hypocrite who just talks and does nothing.

    1. They know the tools
    that's not true - they don't know anything - they are just too lazy to be interested in anything and they don't have special people/department for that. They use beta-testers and freelancers to research the bot market. But true bots are all privately managed and all work without problems. The problem is that those of them that are publicized have been actively banned for the last 2 leagues, which was not the case before at all. Talk to users alcor75's DreamPoeBot and dword_ptr's Private Poe Bot and know the pain.

    thank god there seems to be none of the users of these bots here - so the value of this topis and statistics, which is collected in it - zero
    Last edited by MashaPetrova; 12-08-2023 at 09:00 PM.

    [Discussion] Bans and what we know
  2. #32
    EthEth's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by MashaPetrova View Post
    dude you say trivial things, however you didn't tell anything interesting from what you got researching bans of your accounts... See - you're just a hypocrite who just talks and does nothing.
    https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo...ml#post4443285 (Investigating creating an MTX Swapper Program)
    In short: there are risk, and they differ between types of tools.

    that's not true - they don't know anything - they are just too lazy to be
    Ok, I've oversimplified writing "they know the tools". Let me rephrase it:
    We should work under the assumption that the GGG has full access to code of public tools. It implies higher risk then if they did not have access to the data. The risks goes higher IF (and only IF) they do something with this knowledge.

    thank god there seems to be none of the users of these bots here - so the value of this topis and statistics, which is collected in it - zero
    Zero for you. If you don't have any valuable input, maybe you should stop wasting energy on this forum?

  3. #33
    evgensky's Avatar Member
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    I was banned for Reason: "Breaching Terms of Use" . I've been using the ExileApi for over a year now and I don't think it's the problem. The other day I installed a smoother to reduce lag in the current league and I believe this is connected with it, or rather with the modification GGPK

  4. Thanks WowIsAllICanSay (1 members gave Thanks to evgensky for this useful post)
  5. #34
    cout00's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by evgensky View Post
    I was banned for Reason: "Breaching Terms of Use" . I've been using the ExileApi for over a year now and I don't think it's the problem. The other day I installed a smoother to reduce lag in the current league and I believe this is connected with it, or rather with the modification GGPK
    its a false positive if you not used any input plugins, write into support they unban you. this idiots banned streamers, and common players, this current cheat detection its meme and can be bypassed with 40 code lines. i think they will end it in the future, so many false positive detection. bots still alive, common players is suffer, this is not what we wanted.

  6. #35
    mariahcarey's Avatar Member
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    get banned on new fresh account after 1h playing with GameHelper, Reason: "Third Party Software"
    with limited user, use only AHKT, preload, radar

    upd: i think its bc i use vpn and my ping raise to 140 -> hud use flasks and see its not used and spam it again. now on new acc without vpn ping 60, i raise key timeout to 160, and i still alive .... idk
    Last edited by mariahcarey; 12-13-2023 at 01:28 AM.

  7. Thanks EthEth (1 members gave Thanks to mariahcarey for this useful post)
  8. #36
    EthEth's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by mariahcarey View Post
    i think its bc i use vpn and my ping raise to 140 -> hud use flasks and see its not used and spam it again. now on new acc without vpn ping 60
    Nice to know, will include this scenario in my tests. So far I did not get any bans on tools that are "passive" - Radars/Preloads even if I run straight to the location. Also avoided ban on my "crafting" account - maybe I am too cautious with timers. When I dump resources to other account I will probably more aggressive clickers.

  9. #37
    followed97's Avatar Member
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    Banned yesterday for "Breaching Terms of Use". Only tool i used is poeapikit and (last season not this) poesmoother. Have another AHK that simply binds my spacebar to my leftclick. Wrote to support but they still have to answer. Do you think I will get unbanned or it could be permanent?

  10. #38
    ametterrasu's Avatar Member
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    oh nice, you know how to bypass it? could you help me with that?

  11. #39
    terekon's Avatar Member
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    I was also banned for the same reason, tesitrovat pickit and used highlited items, to move from the stash to the inventory, did not use other software, long played before with the cheat and was not banned, but did not use all the functionality played only with radar before and autoopen

  12. #40
    jusikapide's Avatar Member
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    Does any1 know good resources that I can read on how to make AHKs less detectable when coding them?

  13. #41
    WowIsAllICanSay's Avatar Member
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    Just going to share my data on not being banned. I have used ExileAPI / POEHelper in its many forms for around 4 years and gamehelper early league since release.

    For GameHelper I use radar and auto flask / berserk / etc and for ExileAPI I use radar, auto flask, HighlightedItems (set to about 50% on the slider for click speed), ReAgent, ClickIt, and typically whatever is made around a league, such as the ancestorqol, the wisp addon this league, and occasionally expeditionicons if I'm running a lot of expedition.

    I also spent around 2 of the past years running ASH but have stopped since the risk seems higher now and frankly the market in SC is flooded with people selling alt spammed clusters, etc. for about 10% profit so it isn't really worth the risk.

    All in all, aside from the first hour or so of a league, I'm running tools 100% of the time I play. It's worth noting scanning through this thread that GGPK edits seem to be a large overlap between bans. That and large amounts of automated clicks, such as with ASH spamming, etc. This definitely seems to indicate two things to me: that there's a decent chance they are validating GGPK now and that there is improved server side detection for bot-like behavior. I would love if we could hear something from anyone using a private flipping bot, etc. to see if those have been equally affected.

    As an aside, can anyone confirm the risk of follower plugins and perhaps which seem to be lowest risk? I would like to run one, but I've heard mixed things from them. CoPilot's follow mode and Simple Follower seem to be feature complete enough for me, but it does seem like it would be relatively easy to detect when the aurabot in this case effectively only comes online to be an aurabot, etc. That said, I feel that the gameplay could be made to feel more "realistic" with some tinkering in those tools and automated skill usage through copilot or similar. Having not had a chance to look at the humanizing library from Sychotix, I'm unsure of how deep its capabilities are, but it seems likely to me that the bot detection for something like a follow bot is based on behavior analyzed server-sided rather than client-sided analysis of clicks, etc.
    Last edited by WowIsAllICanSay; 12-20-2023 at 02:48 PM.

  14. Thanks jusikapide, nuomi (2 members gave Thanks to WowIsAllICanSay for this useful post)
  15. #42
    WowIsAllICanSay's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by DumbBrain View Post
    1)PoeHelper - FollowBot/Dpb - FollowBot
    2)A lot of rmt.
    3)All appeal is denied

    Im get a lot of bans since the league start. First bans get for leveling my bots with follow bot in first week, then my machines was flagged and i got a lot of bans after. But after 2nd week all my followbots with new vm work correctly and i dont get any bans since 28 october. All my followbots was with my main character in one guild, all of them got ban with reason "3rd party software". My main character got "breaching term of use". 2 week before ban i change poehelper to dpb.

    Running maps 6-10 hours 5/7 week, do some trades by followbots to buy maps and etc. Upgrading their items and builds.
    Which plugins specifically have you used for following outside of the DPB bot? Was it the Simple Follower plugin? And if so, have you tried to see if your follow bots get banned using the CoPilot follow options? Just trying to identify if they are all inherently unsafe or if some are harder for GGG to detect.

  16. #43
    NoobToken's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Someone who got banned should do a gdpr request. That'll get you the details on what they detected.

  17. #44
    stacked's Avatar Member
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    It seems like doing TOO MANY ACTIONS is what results in the automated ban!

    My advice is not to use ANY programs that go past "human" clicks.

    I was auto banned while using the stash button.

  18. Thanks jusikapide (1 members gave Thanks to stacked for this useful post)
  19. #45
    gilberto_san's Avatar Member
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    I, too, have been banned for using the EXILEAPI application. I only used it once.
    there is any way to convince the support not to ban me and give me a second chance.

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