So in Mac version of SOD (1.15.0 52610) object manager address is 0x2620250, when logged off the value at this address goes to 0.
Begining of the function looks like this:
0000000101214bcc sub sp, sp, #0x80 ; DATA XREF=sub_101214a74+264
0000000101214bd0 stp x26, x25, [sp, #0x30 ]
0000000101214bd4 stp x24, x23, [sp, #0x40 ]
0000000101214bd8 stp x22, x21, [sp, #0x50 ]
0000000101214bdc stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x60 ]
0000000101214be0 stp fp, lr, [sp, #0x70 ]
0000000101214be4 add fp, sp, #0x70
0000000101214be8 adrp x8, #0x10 2620000 ; 0x102620250@PAGE
0000000101214bec ldr x8, [x8, #0x250 ] ; 0x102620250@PAGEOFF, qword_102620250
0000000101214bf0 add x9, x8, #0x120
0000000101214bf4 ldr x10, [x8, #0x120 ]
0000000101214bf8 cmp x10, x9
0000000101214bfc b.eq loc_101214c20
0000000101214c00 mov w19, #0x0
If checking for "Client Object Manager Initialized: %d" string, in referenced code the same number can be found.
0000000101214648 ldr w0, [x20, #0x160 ] ; argument #1 for method sub_101307204, CODE XREF=sub_1012142a8+632
000000010121464c mov x1, x19 ; argument #2 for method sub_101307204
0000000101214650 bl sub_101307204 ; sub_101307204
0000000101214654 adrp x8, #0x10 2620000 ; 0x102620250@PAGE
0000000101214658 ldr x8, [x8, #0x250 ] ; 0x102620250@PAGEOFF, qword_102620250
000000010121465c str w19, [x8, #0x160 ]
0000000101214660 bl sub_1012f675c ; sub_1012f675c
0000000101214664 str x19, [sp, #0x30 + var_30]
0000000101214668 adrp x0, #0x10 1da4000 ; 0x101da4676@PAGE
000000010121466c add x0, x0, #0x676 ; 0x101da4676@PAGEOFF, argument #1 for method sub_101cc9d14, "Client Object Manager Initialized: %d"
0000000101214670 bl sub_101cc9d14 ; sub_101cc9d14
0000000101214674 ldp fp, lr, [sp, #0x30 ]
0000000101214678 ldp x20, x19, [sp, #0x20 ]
000000010121467c ldp x22, x21, [sp, #0x10 ]
0000000101214680 add sp, sp, #0x40
0000000101214684 ret
; endp