For those of you still using Auctioneer, i recommend you download TradeSkillMaster it takes a little while to figure out but cancelling or posting and undercutting others by 1 copper can all be done in alot less time than using Auctioneer.
Oh! Thank you
If you can solo Firelands and are either not interested in the Flametalon (Alyszrator mount -> Raven Lord on fire) or have it already, sell the kill for some gold.
Make people offer or charge +-5k or even more if they want. It's a rare mount and not everyone can solo it !
Same can be applied to OS, EoE, TK etc ...
Im new to this auction house business, and im still trying to learn Auctioneer.
I have a question, when I browse smelting in the search tab, it shows lots of iron bar etc etc with huge profits, and under the "sugesstion" header it says "smelt this item"...?
Is it a bug or wtf does it mean?
Hello --
some simple stuff that I do to make money on my current server:
~I check all my old guild banks for things that were removed from the game or made more difficult to obtain
~I keep my alts in guilds that have open recruit tabs with daily withdrawals
~I try to maintain about 1,000g per server for investment purposes, i.e. for the pets, recipe, and 2-60 twink armors/weapons/xmogs, rare materials
~try to keep track of which "big pets" (cost more than a couple thou usually) are common and rare on various servers
~high pop or low pop servers affect the availability and rarity of battle pets on AH
~buy low and sell high, put pets into your journal from one server to another then take them out where you can make a profit or where your mains need the most gold...
i.e. playing on a low pop serv like Rivendare, but got toons on a high pop server like KJ?
buy rare pets for 100g or less on the busy server and sell them for 200-1000 on your own server.
or on the other hand, get a steal on the low pop server and sell for huge profit on the busy one and start over again.
Moon Moon and carp are good ones for this.
Also if you have engineers always look for the Lifelike Toad recipes and get your winterspring Yeti on.
Because even if the engi is caught on a horrid server it can manufacture pets for investment gold on said crapserver.
This is also a decent way to launder lots of gold.
Buy and sell rare pets, mounts, patterns, herbs etc.
It will just look like you're a collector :P
Recent sales on AH: transmute earth to life for 3,333 gold bid
conjurer's staff (low level food summoning staff) for 5,555 bid
herbalism or fishing enchant sold for 12,0000g buyout on my spouse's alt
Gu Chi swarmlings for about 1-2k
Tiny Carp flipped for 1k profit
bad wolf flipped from busy to low pop servers
dandelion frolickers etc
BWL pets are starting to really lose value imo.
it's good to sell crappy ones and build ur collection up w/ holiday and racial pets that other players get rid of on the AH.
you can eventually get all the good pets in the game (well most of them) by patiently buying low and selling high in the pet market.
thursday afternoon has been a good time for me to post auctions on the server we're currently on.
lots of players pull an all nighter on thursday and buy tons of everything you can imagine that day.
i noticed lots of various things selling on Thursdays.
also the weekend altho the farming has hit the height and the weekend casuals will have flooded the AH with their inferior wares lol
RECIPES: I set the rarity to "green" in the AH filter and check each category daily or more.
if there is anything at all that I know is rare and cheap I usually buy it out and repost it.
i make thousands a week this way, knowing which recipes are rare or being able to look it up on wowhead faster than the next guy in line.
generally speaking the rare blacksmithing plans and then enchants/engineering/alchemy seem to sell the best.
keep eyes peeled for blue items on AH, armor and weapons that are unobtainable or rare.
like Ta kierthan songblade, stonevault bonebreaker, things of that nature.
the engineering pants for lvl 15. etc.
people pay TONS.
sorry if these are all common sense but they are pretty damn good.
i would like to get into the market for selling mounts and boss kills.
seems like better gold faster.
"As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place will no more exist."
Nothing in wod?
Last edited by Elsupertaco; 11-27-2014 at 08:27 PM.
any tool or tips how to transfer goods via ah to opposite faction now please? there are hundreds of auctions now so I cant fast n effective look for mine and buyout them fast like used to be. or is there any tool which allows buy all auctions from specific seller? or something which save list of my posted auctions on acc1 and then load it on account2 and buy all? i didn't find nothing useful, so how do you guys transferring mass of materials, transmog greens and so on?
thanx for any tip
Hope this is not a repost
Making money with AH is really easy, depends on you and your gold budget, you can make even 25-30k gold /day only from playing on AH.
Ok, first step:
- Go on WoWuction - WoW Auction House Online Tool , select your realm, and check for some items that got high demand and a good price.( You should look for something that can be farmed, dropped from mobs)
- Step two: Google the item you want to farm, see where you can farm it and then go for it!
At the end of the day sell what you have farmed!
-Step three(optional) Folowing this step will get you way more gold! First of all, you will need a lot of gold to do this depending on the item's price you farmed and want to sell on AH.( If you got like >50k gold, you don't even need to farm this item). So what are you going to do now, buy every stack of x item that there is on AH, then sell it at your price like +15/+20 more gold than normal price. The thing is, you will have to watch the AH a lot, because there will be other players posting on AH the x item you're trying to sell for more gold than normal, so you will always have to buy what they post and then sell it with your price.
-Step four: If you don't like step three and you really need some gold, just go for a undercut! How you do that? Easy? Let's say you've farmed "X" Item, a 20 stack of X item is 35 gold on AH. To sell it quick just put it for between 24-28 gold 1 stack and you will sell it really fast!
Last edited by KuRIoS; 07-28-2015 at 03:15 PM. Reason: dont ask for rep
Hi folks !
My two cents ^^
Actually, on my server, I made tons of gold by selling motes of harmony & spirit of harmony.
Those items are very valuable to avoid the archeology farming for the new exploration missions.
I see two ways to manage it:
- You're a badass and you take a potion of luck and you farm high spawning rates mobs in Pandaria / Bones (Isle of Giants) + daily exchange on this Island.
- (My way): you gamble with the AH, buy cheap & sell more expansive or (and don't underestimate this) announce on /2 that you buy loads of batchs of spirits of Harmony (200-300-400,+). You'll be wisped by guys totally unaware actual prices and you can easy double your bet.
For example: 1 spirit of harmony is sold for 75-80g (and bought ~35g/u). I'm selling at least 200 pieces a day.
That's a pretty good profit.
I have others little tricks:
- Selling invitation for a garrison boss (500g / inv x 39 peeps, easy money ATM). The only issue is looting a summoning item during a garrison invasion... Have alts !
- Selling the toy from Soulare of Andorhal (you can obtain this follower in your INN, looking for someone with "wild agression"). When you target it and type /tired, you get a toy. The point is to invite peeps into your garrison vs money. You can easy get 500g / player.
- Toy business: crafting old engineer's toys, 5-10k g garanteed / toy.
I hope you'll make money with that and I will update If I think about anything new
sell then at the weekends. If you want to save time or get some items quick, buy wow items directly online. Wow players could check price before place order
When posting mats, check to see if someone has listed 1 of a mat for significantly less gold. if they have, buy it, then list ur mats for a better price.
some people are using bots to keep one mat up super cheap, then buy everything posted for lower price.
(don't post things I post to Patreon.)
BId on every low bid with low time left!